Navigate The Way ✝️

#4 - Ambassadors of Forgiveness - Understanding the Commission in John 20:22-23

September 17, 2024 Navigate The Way ✝️ Episode 4

In this episode of *Navigate The Way*, Gabe Langston and Dave Brooks dive deep into John 20:22-23, where Jesus commissions His disciples with the authority to proclaim the forgiveness or retention of sins. But what does this passage really mean, and how do we reconcile it with the broader teaching of Scripture that only God forgives sins? Together, Gabe and Dave explore the exegetical, theological, and historical aspects of the text, uncovering the role of the church as ambassadors of Christ’s message. 

From unpacking the original Greek verbs to examining the broader biblical and redemptive-historical context, this discussion sheds light on the disciples’ responsibility to declare God’s truth in light of the gospel. They also address common misconceptions and offer insights for believers today on proclaiming the gospel faithfully in their own lives.

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